Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crossfit + Tempo


Coreboard Ys



Paloff Press

2 rounds of 10 each

Then 5:00 spiro on 3.0L bag 30/35 rr

Then AMRAP in 4:00 of Toes to Bar x 10 reps + Box Jumps at 24" x 6 reps

1:00 rest

Then AMRAP in 4:00 of 20 double unders + 7 burpees (jump to touch 1 foot above max reach)

5:00 easy spiro (this was a huge challenge today right after the crossfit)

Then 20 min Airdyne at 80/83% max heart rate

Bike Intervals

Gradual warmup to 225 watts....

Then completed:

3 x 3 min ON at 250 watts - 75/80 rpm

3 x 2 min ON at 275 watts - 85/90 rpm

recovery was 2 min for both

Day Off

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ramp Test + Tempo

Warmup was ramp test from 100 watts to 225 watts.

LBP still hanging in around 225 watts but getting more comfortable to hold for sure. Able to breath around 12 to 15 rr comfortable with nose breathing during the Tempo with a few breaks here an there.


Deadlift - 5 x 5 at 235 (going to 245 next day)

Pullups - Tarzan x 6
Glute Ham Raise (with 20# assitance on Keiser) x 6

DB piston press x 8
Rotational Row x 10

Walking Lunges x 6
Ab Wheel Rollouts x 10

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ithlete is showing some good recovery this week.

First screen shot is of HRV and Resting Heart Rate. It is taken as an approximate 1 minute standing metric. (it is actually 8 full breaths which are timed with a visual metronome)

Weekly Trend

Todays Workout

5 x 5 Bench (done at 135) I have always been weak at pressing both horizontal and vertical so am going to try and improve this a little.

Then 5:00 effort at 95% rpe

4 rounds for time of:

6 Curtis P at 95# (each one taken from ground - clean - lunge - lunge - front squat - press)
30 double unders

Then 5:00 effort at 1 to 2% higher heart rate than first TT max

Friday, January 21, 2011

Trying to come up with a plan

So I am usually just trying to stay in relatively good shape...I have been interested to try a few things over the last year or so and think I just might start.

I am going to try and have a few days a week where I do the same workout...the rest will remain varied.

The workouts I will keep constant will be based on Fibonacci sequence ... read about it here

The one day I have decided to take is going to go like this:

Spiro Ramp test -- on 2.5L bag -- start at 35 rr and increase 2 rr every minute until spo2 drops or I lose the ability to coordinate the breath -- about 10 to 15 minutes

Then Deadlift 5 x 5 -- increase start weight by 10 pounds every week as long as I do all 25 reps - rest 75/90 seconds (I believe this is a Dan John creation)

Then 5:00 easy spin

Then 7 x 3:00 ON / 2:00 off -- on started today at 250w and heart rate ceiling will remain at 145 for first 4 weeks. If I complete all 7 intervals at wattage goal without breaking heart rate ceiling -- I will add 5 watts the next week.


So todays session was:

spiro ramp 35 to 44 rr on 2.5L

5 x 5 Deadlift at 225 plus purple band -- will add 10 pounds next week

7x 3:00 at 250w / 2:00 at 140/150w completed but heart rate did reach 145 -- will add 5 watts next week

File below:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ramp Test with Respiratory Focus

Today I did a 4 minute ramp from 125 to 250 watts.

The focus was on trying to have as high of a Tidal Volume (O2 in L/min divided by RR .. respiration rate) as possible.

I kept my cadence steady the entire time.

Test data ...

Wattage -- Tidal Volume -- % of FVC

125 -- 2.7 -- 46%

150 -- 3.1 -- 52%

175 -- 4.2 -- 70%

200 -- 4.6 -- 76%

225 -- 3.8 -- 63%

250 -- 4.2 -- 71%


Right after the ramp I completed 10 minutes on 3.0 L at 25 rr on Spiro normally a level that isn't too challenging ... However it was much more work than normal after the on the bike session.

Was pretty happy with this first session. Goal is to improve to 80 plus % on the bike at and above Balance Point.


Next session will be fixed Balance Point heart rate while attempting same breathing will follow.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Recovery Day

Day off training today

Did do 4 x 5 min on 4.0 L bag spiro for the first time with 5 min rest between

First 3 went well...22 rr...last one felt fatigue and couldn't control for entire 5:00 had trouble with last 30 seconds.

FeV1 is up to 5.99 from 5.34 8 weeks ago - up 10.9%

FeV6 also up 11.0%

FeV1 - amount exhaled during 1 second of peak flow test
FeV6 - amount exhaled during 6 seconds of same peak flow test

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Modified session from Sealfit - due to time and current fitness level

5:00 minute foam roll


3 rounds of:

33 unbroken double unders
33 wall ball - 20# / 10' target

recover between rounds until heart rate at 120/125 and 4 ms HRV


3 rounds for time of:

10 Renegade man makers with 30# DB
50m walking lunge with 30# DB - done as 10 steps 10 breaths
Airdyne 25 calories

recover between each round until heart rate 120/125 and 4 ms HRV


Row 500m - medium hard
100 count Leg Levers
Row 500m - medium / hard
100 count Leg Levers
Row 500m - easy below 145 heart rate

Monday, January 17, 2011

20 min Spiro - 3L - 5 building to 35 RR

Total volume (Ve) = 1958
Avg volume / minute (Vm) = 97.9

10 x 5 rep Trap Bar Deadlift at 190# plus purple band (going to slowly work up on this adding 10# a week)

:: then bike ::

30 min at 145 (lactate balance point LBP) heart rate with variable cadence every 5 minutes

1 - 201 NP - 145 HR - 96 RPM
2 - 203 NP - 144 HR - 85 RPM
3 - 214 NP - 144 HR - 80 RPM
4 - 212 NP - 145 HR - 72 RPM
5 - 199 NP - 143 HR - 83 RPM
6 - 191 NP - 144 HR - 93 RPM


I am going to create a legend of short forms later this evening for various training information you will see in the data.

For Today...

NP is Normalized Power

HR is avg heart rate (today avg was created no more than plus/minus 2 beats from avg)

RPM - revolutions per minute

Sunday, January 16, 2011


15 min foam roll, lower body focus

20 min Spiro - 3.0L 28/30 rr

5:00 band stretch - pnf - hamstings and hip

8 x :20/:10 skip - last 2 doubles


Helen - 3 rounds for time of run 400m (treadmill 1 percent grade) + 21 KB swings at 55 + 12 pullups

Helen Time 9:38 (pb)

File below.