Friday, January 6, 2012


3000m Row

Strength with following pairing:

10 x 10 Deadlift at 200# - using 2-0-2-0 speed timing (100 reps accomplished so will add 10# next session

10x10 Renegade Row at 25# (too easy so will go up -- goal as heavy as possible with no hip rotation and complete stable upper body)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

FaCT Test

Just working on the notes for this at the moment...will have them up soon...for now below is the test data.

**3 min stages during the ramp of the test (data shown in 1 min increments)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Strength - Explosive Repeat

8 min Row warmup

10x :10 sled push / :50 rest

5 min airdyne + 5 min Spiro 449L

10x :10 standing push-pull / :50 rest

5 min airdyne + 5 min Spiro 477L

10x :10 jumping ball slams / :50 rest

5 min airdyne + 5 min Spiro 487L

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year (belated)

Not sure this is a resolution...but I do need to try and blog a little bit more than NEVER!

Will try and get my training up ... and then work on getting something up on the Crossfit Orangeville site.

First workout of the year...have actually been pretty consistent over last number of months...just hasn't made it here.

Trying to make every workout at least 500 kilojoules or more.

This session was 3x10 at 138/142 heart rate ( +/- 2 of balance point heart rate )

Recover after each block until heart rate reaches LBP -30 (110 bpm)